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AEW Dynamite Results for May 28, 2021


Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Friday night, and you know what that means!

What a way to kick it off!

Darby Allin (accompanied by Sting) vs. Cezar Bononi (with The Wingmen—Ryan Nemeth, JD Drake & Peter Avalon)!

Bononi backed Darby into the turnbuckles. Darby fought out and was looking for an armbar early on. Cezar Bononi used a hoss toss, hurling Darby halfway across the ring!

“Darby is getting rag dolled here. There’s no way he can be 100% here tonight. We see the wrapping around his ribs,” said Jim Ross.

Bononi hoisted Darby up but Darby countered by slipping over the top and applying a sleeper. Darby smacked Cezar in the back of the head with open-hand palms! Darby connected with a stunner and then a shotgun dropkick on Bononi. He followed up with the Coffin Drop and pinned Bononi!

“Darby hit the bullseye and got the win!” said Jim Ross.

“It’s an important victory to kick off DOUBLE OR NOTHING weekend,” replied Excalibur.

With Sting beside him, Darby Allin called out Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky!

“You expect us to just come down there in our fancies and fight you for free? Grow up. Because when we beat you on Sunday on the big stage, everyone is going to see. DOUBLE OR NOTHING will be the end of one legend, and the beginning of two more,” said Scorpio Sky.

The Wingmen ambushed Sting and Darby Allin from behind! Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page then joined the fray! Page and Sky were about to “Pillmanize” Sting’s ankle with a steel chair when the Dark Order sprinted out to even up the odds. Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky retreated!

“Thank goodness Dark Order came out to fend off those opportunists Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky,” said Tony Schiavone.

Co-host of AEW DARK: ELEVATION and legendary wrestler Paul Wight was introduced. Paul Wight was out to host the official weigh-in of Cody Rhodes and Anthony Ogogo ahead of their match at DOUBLE OR NOTHING this Sunday (live on pay-per-view)!

Anthony Ogogo walked out with The Factory—Aaron Solow, Nick Comoroto, and QT Marshall.

Next out was “The American Dream” Cody Rhodes with his sister, Teil, “Big Shotty” Lee Johnson, Arn Anderson, Dustin Rhodes, Red Velvet, and students of The Nightmare Factory.

“Cody looks in impressive physical shape,” noted Excalibur.

Cody weighed in at 218 lbs. Anthony Ogogo weighed in at 219 lbs.

QT Marshall took a microphone and said Anthony is going to win at DOUBLE OR NOTHING because he outweighs Cody, and then he scolded the fans for cheering for Cody. Dustin Rhodes lunged at QT Marshall and QT and his group jumped out of the ring.

Backstage, Powerhouse Hobbs attacked Christian Cage! They slugged it out until Christian Cage speared Hobbs.

Powerhouse Hobbs and Christian Cage will be competing in the Casino (Battle) Royale this Sunday at DOUBLE OR NOTHING.

The Casino (Battle) Royale will consist of Powerhouse Hobbs, Jungle Boy, Pres10 Vance, Matt Hardy, QT Marshall, Penta El Zero Miedo, Christian Cage, Griff Garrison, Brian Pillman Jr., Stu Grayson, Nick Comoroto, Lee Johnson, Dustin Rhodes, Anthony Bowens, Max Caster, Isiah Kassidy, Marq Quen, Matt Sydal, Evil Uno, Colt Cabana, and a mystery entrant!

“The Bad Boy” Joey Janela (with Sonny Kiss) vs. “Hangman” Adam Page!

Taz joined the commentary team for this match. Taz said he was scouting Page ahead of “The Machine” Brian Cage’s match against “Hangman” this Sunday at DOUBLE OR NOTHING.

Page hit a shoulder tackle and then used a nice side headlock to take down Janela. Page chopped “The Bad Boy” in the turnbuckles. Janela retaliated with chops of his own and then strutted. The showboating didn’t pay off for Janela as Page caught him with a snap suplex!

Janela hit a thrust kick on the apron and then tried for a lateral press on the outside, but Page countered with a fallaway slam! Janela almost got dropped by the Dead Eye, but he pulled Page’s tights. Janela hit a snapping German suplex and then headed up top. Janela blasted Page with a massive diving elbow!

Page used a pop up powerbomb and then the Buckshot Lariat for the pin! Page was gushing blood from a stiff shot he’d taken from Janela during the match.

“Amazing strike with that Buckshot! Right on target,” said Jim Ross.

Taz stood up and said he wanted to introduce “Hangman” Page to one of his friends—“The Machine” Brian Cage!

Page said he expected more from Brian Cage, and asked if he was the type of guy that needed help from Team Taz. “Tonight, and at DOUBLE OR NOTHING, why don’t you leave Team Taz out of it and face me like a man,” said Adam Page.

“Page and Cage in a rage this Sunday night at DOUBLE OR NOTHING live on pay-per-view,” said Jim Ross.

“Will Brian Cage leave Team Taz in the back for that match?” asked Excalibur.

Earlier in the day, Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley dug a hole and buried The Young Bucks’ designer sneakers. Mox said he wants The Young Bucks’ Tag Team Championship Belts this Sunday at DOUBLE OR NOTHING.

“We are gonna win those tag team championships. And then you’re gonna quit. Maybe I’ll be an EVP. We’ll see you boys Sunday. The pressure is coming,” said Kingston.

In the ring, Tony Schiavone was about to introduce “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy when “The Bastard” PAC came out instead!

“I’m here to tell you this Sunday Orange Cassidy is irrelevant. In fact, the only individual of any relevance is the man who will beat Kenny Omega and become the new AEW World Champion—me, ‘The Bastard.’ Kenny, you’re ducking and dodging. To be frank, it’s pathetic. Why don’t you get out here and stand face to face and we can show the whole world what’s going to happen this Sunday at DOUBLE OR NOTHING,” said PAC.

Don Callis appeared on the big screen. Callis said he wasn’t going to come out there. Omega ran into the ring and tried to hit PAC with a cheap shot, but PAC was ready for Omega! The Good Brothers stormed out to help Omega. The Lucha Brothers came to the aid of PAC. Omega lifted PAC up and was about to plant him with the One-Winged Angel when Orange Cassidy’s music hit!

Orange Cassidy pulled an envelope out of his pockets and handed it to Kenny Omega. When Kenny opened up the envelope, he found the contract that Don Callis and Omega offered him last week—except it was shredded! Orange Cassidy connected with the Orange Punch on Kenny Omega! Then he served up an Orange Punch to PAC! Orange Cassidy held up Kenny Omega’s AEW World Heavyweight Championship and then gave a thumbs up!

Jade Cargill issued an open challenge and KiLynn King accepted!

Earlier in the day Tony Schiavone interviewed Jade. Matt Hardy interrupted the interview and asked if Jade was going to join his winning team. Mark Sterling walked out and said he signed Jade already, and she smiled.

For her match, Jade was accompanied to the ring by Mark Sterling.

They began with a test of strength knuckle lock. Jade booted King! Jade caught King’s crossbody attempt and curled her, before dumping her down hard on the mat!

“Jade Cargill in the driver’s seat here,” said Excalibur.

Jade threw King aggressively to the outside of the ring! King tried to climb back into the ring, but Jade slugged her. Jade hoisted up King, planted King with her Jaded finisher, and then pinned her!

“Jade Cargill remains undefeated,” noted Excalibur.

For the TNT Championship!

TNT Champion “The Best Man” Miro vs. Dante Martin of Top Flight!

“I think Miro agreed to this match to piss off ‘The MurderHawk Monster’ Lance Archer,” said Jim Ross.

The match started with a collar and elbow tie up until Miro battered Dante into the corner. He tossed Dante overhead with a suplex! Miro followed up with a kick in between Dante’s shoulder blades. Dante hit a jawbreaker, but Miro followed up with a hip throw. Dante connected with a springboard moonsault, but Miro kicked out at the 1-count! Dante went back to the well for a springboard shotgun dropkick! But Miro couldn’t be held down. Miro rocked Dante with a thrust kick right to the temple! Miro wrenched back with the Game Over submission and forced Dante Martin to tap out!

Jake “The Snake” Roberts walked out on the ramp with “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer. Jake said they had enough of Miro bullying people around. Jake told Lance to kick Miro’s ass! Lance ran down and booted Miro! AEW referees had to separate the men and clear the ring.

“It’s going to be a slobber knocker on pay-per-view this Sunday when these two bulls lock up,” said Jim Ross.

AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida was honored tonight!

Hikaru Shida has been the AEW Women’s World Champion for 1-Year, making her not only the longest reigning Women’s World Champion, but the longest reigning champion in AEW History!

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to present Shida a brand-new title belt, which is gold encrusted in diamonds.

“When I won this title, there was no fans in here. But tonight, you are here! I am so proud to share this moment with you because this title is for you,” said Shida.

Dr. Britt Baker (who is challenging Shida this Sunday at DOUBLE OR NOTHING) interrupted Shida’s speech.

“Relax, I just came to say congratulations, Shida. You were the champion during the most difficult time in professional wrestling. But I have something I need to address. I misspoke when I sat down with Jim Ross two weeks ago. I said something I want to take back. I said I was the face of the women’s division. But when I win that title this Sunday, I’ll be the face of a whole new era. And this era is all about D.M.D.” said Baker.

Dark Order’s Evil Uno & Stu Grayson vs. Scorpio Sky & “All Ego” Ethan Page!

After back and forth between Sky and Evil Uno, Stu Grayson tagged in. Uno and Grayson isolated Ethan Page in the corner. Grayson dropped a big elbow on Page, and then he connected with a senton over the top. Scorpio Sky ran over and swept out Grayson’s leg! Grayson landed awkwardly on the edge of the ring. Sky followed up with a dynamic cutter on Grayson!

Sky was looking for the TKO, but Grayson escaped and spiked Sky in the center of the ring. Grayson rattled Sky and Page with a back-flipping kick. Uno tagged in and was firing on all cylinders! He cleaned house on Page and Sky! Uno flatlined Scorpio Sky. He followed up with a hanging neck breaker on Page. Dark Order employed efficient tandem offense and connected with their cannonball 450 combo! Page kicked out at the two-count! In the mix, Page was able to get back to his feet. He pancaked Evil Uno with the Ego’s Edge and then pinned him!

After the match, Darby Allin walked out with an army of men dressed up like Sting! Scorpio Sky dispatched of some of them until he got to one of them who actually was the real Sting! Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky retreated from the ring and from Sting and Darby Allin!

And this Sunday at DOUBLE OR NOTHING on pay-per-view it’ll be Sting and Darby Allin vs. Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page!

Next up: A celebration of Inner Circle’s best moments, hosted by groundbreaking pro wrestling executive and “83 Weeks” Podcaster Eric Bischoff!

“25 years ago last night I had the opportunity to introduce what would become what some say is the greatest faction of all time, on this very station, TNT. But tonight I’m introducing a bunch of bad asses who may take that crown—the Inner Circle,” said Bischoff.

Bischoff introduced a highlight package of Inner Circle’s greatest hits.

“Wow, we’ve done some pretty cool s—t, boys? 18 months after the debut of Inner Circle, we’re standing stronger than ever. And here we are standing with the return of the best fans in wrestling today! If this is our last time together, our last dance, I wouldn’t have it any other way than with my brothers and in front of all of you,” said Santana.

“Show me the hard times that make hard men. Those are the moments that are to be celebrated,” said Jake Hager.

“When I met these guys, it just felt right. I felt like we were Guns ‘N Roses in 1987. We only cared about putting on the best performances night after night after night. And that hasn’t changed. At Stadium Stampede on Sunday, if we lose, we are going down in a blaze of glory. But if this is our last time together, I just want to say one thing to these guys—I love you,” said Jericho.

On the big screen, MJF appeared and interrupted Jericho. MJF and Wardlow had Jericho’s good friend Dean Malenko battered and tied up to the field goal post in the stadium next door to Daily’s Place.

Inner Circle ran to the stadium to rescue Dean Malenko, but it was a trap—The Pinnacle ambushed all the members of the Inner Circle! Then FTR hit piledrivers on Santana and Ortiz, spiking them through tables!

“After this there’s no question The Pinnacle is going to have an advantage over Inner Circle on Sunday,” said Schiavone.

“When you are in The Pinnacle, you are always on top!” said MJF!

Be sure to catch AEW DYNAMITE next week on a special night and time on TNT—live on Friday, June 4th at 10/9c!

This Sunday, May 30th, it’s AEW DOUBLE OR NOTHING live on pay-per-view!


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